Friday, September 21, 2007

Digital Artist's Canvas Proposal

"I am aware that I will be evaluated on the final product and on my successful presentation of my concept or theme. I am aware that Peter must approve this project idea before I continue."

Here is what I learned during my research:

When someone is being bullied it is not alwase obvious. Bullying can be unnoticed for the longest time. Like bullying over MSN or messages on facebook, notes passed in classrooms and other fashions as such. Bullying can be stoped when one person realizes that to gfet respect they must give it, even if they are not in the wrong. With respect comes peace, and bullying can be as small as someone tripping another person or it can take form of one country attacking a smaller one.

Here are three ideas/topics that I have thought of:

A classroom scean where one student is writing a hate note to another student. With the words "Give respect to get respect" and then it says and "and with respect comes peace"

my seocnd idea is to have more of a global scene. It could be somethign like an image of a globe with other images intergraded into it, on oone side would be images that show disrespect and on the other side it could have images of respect it would say " Respect Makes Peace" and on the bottom in smaller writing it would say " We Are Alll In This Together " to show that if everyone was respectful of themselves and others, peace would come naturally

A third idea that i have is to make an image that is some one on a computor looking at thier inbox full of hate messages and on the bottom it says " respect yourself enough to respect me, because with respect comes peace"

The idea I have chosen to pursue is:

number 2


chris said...

good job

thanks for your help

sam said...

I found that you didn't just look at bullying in one way like in schools, but you looked at bullying in the greater scheme of things. You stated that how countries can bully each other and that can lead to war.

jwoodley said...

good work keep going u will get even better everytime

Peter said...

Thank you for expressing yourself so thoroughly. It is wonderful to hear your voice on these issues.

I agree with Sam. It is great to recognize that bullying can either be local or global and there are certainly many instances of both!